Friday, January 11, 2013

Comfort Food Pizza 001: Breakfast Pizza

breakfast pizza
randomly i had whole wheat pizza dough in the kitchen, i had probably planned to make some kind of no red sauce pizza but i never got around to it. so one Saturday morning I perused the fridge and found some pretty typical breakfast ingredients sausage, potatoes, eggs, and cheese. then out of nowhere I had the bright idea for me and my house guest to have pizza for breakfast. note this is not available at the local pizza shop, but because sharing is caring you can make it for yourself! **this was a little labor intensive as i made the potato hash from scratch

necessary ingredients:

1 pie of pre-baked pizza pie
2 pieces Italian chicken sausage, chopped/sliced
1 red skin potato hash
1 cup chopped mushrooms
2 large eggs
1/2 cup chopped scallions
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese

first things first, red skin potato hash:

wash and scrub potato clean. shred potato into pieces, dry with a paper towel, potatoes hold water, a lot of it.  in a skillet with EVOO, one clove of fresh chopped garlic, salt and pepper, saute the shredded potato until tender.

Pre-heat oven to 425

cook sliced sausage in a skillet for about 5 minutes each side or until brown.

pizza pie, drizzle with EVOO a top the pie, place topping across the entire pie. in a bowl scramble two eggs and pour on top of pie. sprinkle mozzarella cheese atop. place on pizza pan and bake pizza for about 30 it closely so that it does not burn. remove, slice and serve.

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